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Individual Therapy

For Children

Individual therapy is recommended for children with specific issues best addressed one-on-one. Some examples are persistent difficulty learning, understanding and using new vocabulary, childhood apraxia of speech (CAS) leading to paucity of speech or unclear speech, articulation and/or phonological issues.


Caregivers are encouraged to participate in each session so that there is continual practise with your child at home, at mealtimes, in the park... anywhere, anytime. This translates to better progress and long-term cost savings.


Caregiver training approaches include:

More Than Words®

The Hanen® Program for Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder or Social Communication Difficulties

It Takes Two To Talk®

The Hanen® Program for Parents of Children with Language Delays

Target Word

The Hanen® Program for Parents of Children who are Late Talkers



For Teenagers and Adults

Good-enough articulation, language and social skills are vital to self-esteem, confidence and a spirit of adventure. Therapy ranges from fine tuning enunciation, interview skills, and presentation skills to refreshers for individuals with a history of speech and/or language difficulties.

Through it all, developing good breath support is vital for health, attention and emotional equilibrium.


Find out more:

• Importance of Breath


• Buteyko Instructors


• Functional Breathing

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